UI Designer + Framer Expert

UI Designer + Framer Expert

Hello, I'm Kácio Filipe — I have been working as a designer for over 6 years, creating Websites, Apps, Systems for many Startups.

I am an experienced and passionate design person with a wide range of skill sets, from UX and visual design to research, design strategy and digital growth. I started my career understanding the various difficulties and complexities that surrounded our products and users and being able to transform all this into something intuitive and easy to use.

As a UI Designer, I seek to unite the entire user experience flow, applying it with the best visual techniques to further improve usability and consequently favor users. I proactively support each individual on the team and try my best to be a very collaborative person.

I have taught several people across Brazil about UI Design, business and digital transformation on various networks such as Instagram, LinkedIn, events and lectures.